Call today. Feel safe to DREAM again
Call today. Feel safe to DREAM again
HOTLINE: 623.396.6617
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
The big day may have come and gone, but keep in touch as we’re always up to something new and exciting.
FIRE has over 9 resources all over Phoenix that assist women in need and survivors in our community
FIRE has over 20 programs that assist women in need and survivors in our community
Sun Valley Community Church Ray Rd between Lindsey & Gilbert
6PM Fellowship Cafe $3 per $5 for family
645P Large Group
745p Open share
Sun Valley Community Church Ray Rd between Lindsey & Gilbert
Grace Community Church Tempe, Az
FREE: Community event discussing human trafficking
Grace Community Church Tempe, Az
Willow Desert Conf Center Phx AZ
FREE: Come join the and learn more about becoming Trauma informed
Willow Desert Conf Center Phx AZ
City of Mesa Victim Services has been a HUGE resources for survivors who been out of the life for many years as well as those taking the first steps to a new life
Phone: 480.644.4075
Located in North Phoenix IdentiFreed has assisted transformed countless lives, through a multiple of resources like outreach, discipleship, weekly online worship services and a thrift store that also has a resource center for resume building and job searching. Founders Carrie and Rodney Pierce specifically assist women in need coming out of inmate violent relationships, trafficking, addiction and domestic violence
Celebrate Recovery has continued to be a great place for the first steps in recovery as well as a safe place to share ANYTHING going on in our lives that we just need someone to listen. Doesn't matter how crazy; they are there to support
We are a community committed to loving God, loving people, and loving the world. We exist to point people to Jesus, by loving them like Jesus. Check out our support and recovery page on ways to continue your healing journey. Mending the Soul, Celebrate Recovery, Grief share just to name a few
Phone: 480.988.5391
Sometimes challenges in life result in damaged relationships. Through Central Cares, you’ll find a variety of resources that can help with anxiety, depression, addictions, trauma, shame, guilt, marriage, divorce, hospitalization, and grief. In whatever situation you’re facing, you are not alone. Central Cares is here to help you through all life’s peaks and valleys.
Phone: 480.988.5391
* Sun Valley Campuses
* Rock Point Church
*Central Christian campus
* Ascend Church campus
*Pure Heart Church - Glendale
- Holy Trinity Mesa
*Dream City Church - Phx
* TFL Chuch - Scottsale
Every Wednesday in the Mesa Streets of Joy opens up their Food Pantry to those in need.
Streets of Joy also has transitional living, vocational assistance training and 2nd change out of prison program options
Meet the Women's Empowerment Coaches of Next Level Krav Maga.
Self Defense is an very important of living in freedom. Along with Gran Master Joseph Edmondson and Program Director Coach Rob; these ladies hold Women's Self Defense Classes and Workshops with a touch of Trauma Informed Care.