Call today. Feel safe to DREAM again
Call today. Feel safe to DREAM again
HOTLINE: 623.396.6617
It is so important to understand we have a CHOICE and we can stand in FREEDOM. It is not easy but it is WORTH IT!!! It starts with a vision, then a goal and realizing the first steps are options.
It is a fact that we live in a world where our free will happens upon other free wills. Sometimes the actions of others cause hurts and hang ups. Our choices determine how we approach life.
Our community is full of people who want to assist in peer support. We assemble as a unit to connect the people providing services with the people who need them. Come connect with people in new ways.
A woman has a unique battle in this world. FIRE is pleased to provide opportunities to empower, encourage and support through our programs
Connect is the first step to FREEDOM
The River has many streams Programs, Resources & Skills
The River is a powerful source in healing
The River is a moving body of water; always changing, always connecting
Does human trafficking really happen? How do I know if I am at risk or if I have been trafficked
FIRE was established in 2015 as a place for woman to find Freedom
Click the button to learn more
Survivor shares - "greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world and from my experiences I pass on my flame.
FIRE has a You-Tube channel filled with encouraging Podcasts and videos from our Advocate and Survivor Community leaders. Click the You-Tube Icon at the left to be directed to our YouTube Chanel. Please like, share and subscribe videos. We would LOVE any comments surrounding how you connecting to us. Looking forward to getting to know you.
Click the picture to watch our latest videos
Phx FIRE is our Phoenix based outreach team. You may see us on the streets or in Gentlemen's clubs. Our goal is to let you know you are loved and to prevent recruitment into trafficking outlets ocal es The team is lead by survivors of exploitation, addictions and childhood traumas. Our mission is LOVE. Just love and be a light in our communities.
IdentiFreed was founded and will continue to be operated exclusively for the purpose of spreading the Gospel to those in and outside of the church, those in recovery, those being trafficked or have escaped trafficking, the homeless, the incarcerated community, and to the nations on a global scale. This organization will strive to reach the citizens of the Phoenix area, the United States and worldwide, as opportunities arise by a ministry of presence, a ministry of advocacy, a ministry of service, and a ministry of Word, Spirit and Sacrament. IdentiFreed acts as a parachurch ministry to fulfill the social service wing of the church and partners with other ministries, churches, and non-profits to meet the needs of those that seek transformation and discipleship
Knowing how to defend and protect yourself is such an important part of our overall well-being. Our community has partnered with a Martial Arts studio to provide opportunities to learn Krav Maga, Jui Jitzu and Self-Defense. Both Women Only classes and Workshops are availible to the FIRE Community
Its about finding your voice and freedom. Letting the world know the power of unity and community
Survivors of addiction, violence and exploitation have unique self image and language. When a dream becomes a vision it is always better with a peer who wants to share their wisdom with an eager soul.
FIRE's LOVE Team gathers monthly to fellowship, bond and make bracelets to be handed out in our outreaches. The bracelets are a great healing modelity for the Survivor community as well as connection to a huge prayer chain both local, national and international. Each Advocate, Survivor and partner of FIRE Revolution wears these bracelets as a symbol that not only are we praying for each other we are praying for all the woman and young ladies who wear them.
FIRE has 2 types of retreats designed for Survivors to engage in. One is our GPS Women's Bible Study, the other is an Equestrian Therapy. Both with very different approached but both are survivor led.
When a teen doesn't have a parent to train them up on the hazards and pains of this world who can they turn to? FIRE Ignite Team is a survivor led mentors trained and passionate about leading our youth to be mindful of pretrial devices. Because it takes a Spark to Ignite the FIRE.
More and more women are coming forward and identifying they have trauma from a human trafficking experience. Other agencies will reach out to FIRE Revolution for a Housewarming Care Kit as victims now survivors take their fist steps into recovery and into their very own place. FIRE Partners will come together to piece together a Housewarming Care Kit, as a means of empowerment and encouragement in a survivors 4th or 5th step in their journey.
Check out the FIRE Revolution Calendar of Events for upcoming opportunities to get connected
Once a quarter we get together to get out in nature and have some girl time
When we are ready to make a change and start that plan of liberation; sometimes we just need a helping hand.
City of Mesa Victim Services has been a HUGE resources for survivors who been out of the life for many years as well as those taking the first steps to a new life
Phone: 480.644.4075
Every Wednesday in the Mesa Streets of Joy opens up their Food Pantry to those in need.
Streets of Joy also has transitional living, vocational assistance training and 2nd change out of prison program options
*Living Word Bible Church -Mesa
* Rock Point Church - Queen Creek
*ALL Central Christian Churches
* ALL Sun Valley Churches
*ALL AME churches in AZ and NM
- Holy Trinity Mesa
- Murph Community Phx
- Harbert Chapel Phx
* AMEZ Lawrence Memorial - Mesa
*Dream City Church - Phx
* Carpenters House - Avondale
WillowTalk Women's Trauma Support Group meets twice a month. The group is designed to discuss the various types of trauma a woman may experience such as rape, addiction, death of a loved one and trafficking or intimate partner violence.
Visit the WillowTalk website to learn more about the group
Female bodies go through the same Hormonal Transformations ~ Puberty, Pregnancy, Menopause. What's important to Understand is Every Body reacts Differently. Increasing Knowledge & Care of how Female bodies Respond to those Major Changes is our Shared Goal for Mother & Baby’s Health & Well-Being.
Our mission is to ensure every woman receives complete care. Accomplished with a team of Experienced & Knowledgeable providers to S.E.E.© - (Support, Educate & Empower) Women through All options of Therapeutic Women's Health & Maternal Care.
Meet the Women's Empowerment Coaches of Next Level Krav Maga.
Self Defense is an very important of living in freedom. Along with Gran Master Joseph Edmondson and Program Director Coach Rob; these ladies hold Women's Self Defense Classes and Workshops with a touch of Trauma Informed Care.
Celebrate Recovery has continued to be a great place for the first steps in recovery as well as a safe place to share ANYTHING going on in our lives that we just need someone to listen. Doesn't matter how crazy; they are there to support
Located in North Phoenix IdentiFreed has assisted transformed countless lives, through a multiple of resources like outreach, discipleship, weekly online worship services and a thrift store that also has a resource center for resume building and job searching. Founders Carrie and Rodney Pierce specifically assist women in need coming out of inmate violent relationships, trafficking, addiction and domestic violence
Rahab’s Daughters is more than an organization: it is a growing movement of volunteers, donors, action-takers, and world-changers, working together to fight human trafficking.
At Rahab’s Daughters, we believe that no one is alone. No matter how dark your situation, our community is here to shine a light, to be a beacon toward a better life. We come together as one to provide compassion, passion, and determination.
Led by Executive Director Jessica and Fire's mentor advocate Laura. This retreat is based on 2 Peter 1:2 Grace and Peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
*Come get your Jesus on with a Bible filled and Women of God fellowship retreat. (Check calendar for registration)
Trauma can interfere with so many areas of our lives; resulting in delays of healing and damaging relationships. FIRE's connection to the Az Trauma Informed Faith Community provides opportunities for the FIRE Community to build their RESILIENCE against reactions to triggers and create awareness to those reactions.
**check our events calendar for workshops.
**Additional workshops may be available through Hope Women's Center, City of Mesa Family Advocacy and Compassion Connect Queen Creek.
Ruthann and Leona are honorary life coaches in the FIRE Community. Assisting with a variety of life skill workshops designed to get to the core of what may be interfering or causing a disconnect with your frequency of life. These ladies were a HUGE part of Executive Director Jessica journey in finding her voice and the courage to share her story publicly.
**Check our events calandar for upcoming workshops. Please ensure to ask about scholarships to attend these workshops
If you are a new Christian and are interest in getting some One on One time with a mentoring advocate to learn more about what is means to be a Child of God, just ask. Our Lead Mentor Advocate Laura has been leading women in their early journey with Jesus, the Bible and the Holy Spirit for years.. Don't worry if you don't know what the means that is what we are here for.
Executive Director Jessica has been a business owner, a business concept developer and ministry developer for almost 2 decades. True life experience has brought Jessica to where she and FIRE are today. If you need assistance sharing your story or developing your purpose in file Jessica is the person you want developing and discipling you.
The Holidays are always a tough time. The Leaders of FIRE are always so proud of our Survivor Community and all the advancement in healing along with overcoming many obstacles to maintain their recovery. We LOVE to celebrate. During the holidays we will throw a holiday party for the survivors, advocates and their families.
Depending on volume and donations we attempt to provide an additional gift or 2 to our Survivor Community.
*This event is generally a Saturday in December. If you are interested in joining us please contact us to complete a short survey of your likes and any family members that may be attending with you.