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Call today. Feel safe to DREAM again
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Jessica is a trauma survivor of human trafficking recruitment as well as the oldest daughter of a trafficked surivivor. Along with overseeing all of FIRE's Programs Jessica primary focus is in Trauma Informed Care, bringing awareness to the social issue of human trafficking and in Martial Arts (Women's Self Defense)
Visit Jessica's website for more information
Moriah is a Realtor/Loan Officer and owns 3 businesses with her husband. She assists Executive Director in managing FIRE's Phoenix based programs as well as the online store House of FIRE. Moriah's focus is as an Advocate assisting victims and survivors in healing, recovery and peer support, Moriah has her yellow belt in Krav Maga and
Laura is a survivor of many of life's challenges. One of her favorites is her walk with Jesus and sobriety of over 30 years. Laura and her team of seamstresses make the Covered In Prayer totes handed out on Phx FIRE Outreaches. Along with assisting our Executive Director with admin leading of FIRE Revolution Advocacy for Women Inc Laura a
Laura is a survivor of many of life's challenges. One of her favorites is her walk with Jesus and sobriety of over 30 years. Laura and her team of seamstresses make the Covered In Prayer totes handed out on Phx FIRE Outreaches. Along with assisting our Executive Director with admin leading of FIRE Revolution Advocacy for Women Inc Laura also leads a Mentorship program introducing individuals to Jesus. If you are interested please contact us for more info
Beth is a survivor of Domestic Violence and has shared her story publicly during the 2021 City of Mesa Domestic Violence Awareness Event. Along with being a Green Belt in Krav Maga, Beth assists in FIREs Ignite Teens program helping at risk teens in a group home that have come the behavioral health centers in self defense and addiction re
Beth is a survivor of Domestic Violence and has shared her story publicly during the 2021 City of Mesa Domestic Violence Awareness Event. Along with being a Green Belt in Krav Maga, Beth assists in FIREs Ignite Teens program helping at risk teens in a group home that have come the behavioral health centers in self defense and addiction recovery Follow Beth on social media or join her in a Krav Maga class/workshops
Cynthia joined the team after an event at her church. Cynthia assists with the survivors in the FIRE Community, is a Phx FIRE Outreach Advocate and has gone through the Faithful City Community of Belong Trauma Informed training.
Yolanda has been an advocate in the movement for many years.
Yolanda's focus is more in the area of healing. She is currently in college to obtain a degree in Biblical Counseling in order to "coach" others thru a trauma experience.
Rosanna is our resident Celebrate Recovery Guru. She joined FIRE Revolution as a Phx FIRE Outreach Advocate in 2019. She now shares her story to assist others in their journey of healing and recover.
Nixie is our bracelet making Guru. She finds making the bracelets and praying over them brings a purpose from her experiences. Nixie is also a Phx FIRE Outreach Advocate.
FIRE Revolution takes great care in assisting survivors in their journey and finding their voice as well as finding a place for those that want to either come along side a survivor or finds ways to care take for survivors in our community. Partner with WillowTalk Support Group FIRE trains and develops survivors and advocates to have an i
FIRE Revolution takes great care in assisting survivors in their journey and finding their voice as well as finding a place for those that want to either come along side a survivor or finds ways to care take for survivors in our community. Partner with WillowTalk Support Group FIRE trains and develops survivors and advocates to have an impact in their community and with those in the FIRE Community of Belong
Visit our events page to get involved . It all starts with LOVE and Trauma Informed Care Training.
Contact us about hosting a LOVE Event, Awareness speaking and getting involved with the AZ Trauma Informed Faith Community
Training is also available for Self Defense, establishing a human trafficking ministry or mentorship in establishing a
Visit our events page to get involved . It all starts with LOVE and Trauma Informed Care Training.
Contact us about hosting a LOVE Event, Awareness speaking and getting involved with the AZ Trauma Informed Faith Community
Training is also available for Self Defense, establishing a human trafficking ministry or mentorship in establishing a life purpose.
We are not hopeless or helpless. You are loved by your community just reach out.
Watch and learn from over 30+ biblical based videos with the ladies of FIRE Revolution. Sharing scriptures and themes from the Bible, their adventures as an Advocate in the fight against human trafficking, domestic violence and empowering women. Along with their perceptions and experience on how they overcome life challenges, trauma addic
Watch and learn from over 30+ biblical based videos with the ladies of FIRE Revolution. Sharing scriptures and themes from the Bible, their adventures as an Advocate in the fight against human trafficking, domestic violence and empowering women. Along with their perceptions and experience on how they overcome life challenges, trauma addiction and unhealthy relationships.
Doing life together with a voice of being as honest and real as one can be. How scripture and being a Child of God has brought healing, restoriation to parenting, overcoming addictions and financial success to their lives.
Growing and learning on how to navigate and balance the physical, spiritual and mental wellness when "Body Keeps Score" trauma responses to life triggers show up.
FIRE has partnered with multiple churches and faith organization locally in Phoenix, nationwide and even globally to introduce a concept that will protect our children, our community and our women from the horrors of recruitment into human sex trafficking. "What started out as a street outreach in Phoenix ended up launching a Revolution.
FIRE has partnered with multiple churches and faith organization locally in Phoenix, nationwide and even globally to introduce a concept that will protect our children, our community and our women from the horrors of recruitment into human sex trafficking. "What started out as a street outreach in Phoenix ended up launching a Revolution. To change how victims and survivors were being treated. Now we connect those at risk of recruitment and those being trafficked with resources to maintain sustainable freedom" FIRE Revolution Founder Jessica Knight. " We cannot do outreach without offering resources."
Today many organizations of faith have joined the Revolution
Won't you Join us?
Join the FIRE leaders and community as we learn about trauma informed care with founder Dr. Sanghoon Yoo. Dr. Yoo leads many organizations and churches in the fundamentals of connecting not just the mind and spirit but understanding the body's response to aged trauma triggers
More to come on workshops surrounding the understanding of trauma, how it impacts us physically and spiritually and how do we navigate through it to live our best lives
Visit the Az Trauma Informed Faith Community Website to learn more
Visit Carrie's website for more information and resources assisting survivors of human trafficking and overcoming addiction
We are a volunteer, ministry based organization who provide life skills training, mentoring, transitional care surrounding re-entry, assessment and connection to services for you who have age out of juvenile corrections in Arizona, The of of the program is to provide programming while the youth is still incarcerated, resources upon release and continued support in the community after the youth age out of the system.
Rahab’s Daughters is more than an organization: it is a growing movement of volunteers, donors, action-takers, and world-changers, working together to fight human trafficking.
At Rahab’s Daughters, we believe that no one is alone. No matter how dark your situation, our community is here to shine a light, to be a beacon toward a better life. We come together as one to provide compassion, passion, and determination.
Join FIRE leaders and the ladies of Next Level Krav Maga Women's Empowerment program as they teach Women's Self Defense the Krav Maga way with a touch of trauma informed care
No matter what you've been through these ladies know how to do community together and are the best in the nation when it comes to getting you where you want to be in Self Defense or Fitness or just being a badass lady ninja.
We are honored Grand Master Joseph Edmonson and Coach Rob Brower assist us in leading the way in the unique battles women face.
Visit the Next Level Website to learn more
CeCe’s Hope Center serves a particularity vulnerable population that intersects the issues of girls aging out of foster care, homelessness and sharing the commonality of being victims of a heinous crime. There is a constant cycle of youth 18-20 being “released” into the community, without adequate resources, support, or hope.
Rock Point serves the Survivor Community with their annual Lighthouse Summer and Stop Traffic Walk
Are you or someone that you know in the life and wanting out? Rescue America provides a 24/7 hotline with real people waiting on your call. The 24/7 hotline will facilitate your safe and secure exit from the life, as well as next steps to begin your new life journey. All calls are 100% confidential. Even if you are considering leaving the life, call us at 713.322.8000 to learn more about how you can exit the life today.